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Patricia Levasseur de la Motte




Fotografía  Video arte 

Descripción del Profesional del arte

Patricia Levasseur de la Motte earned an MA in Museology and an MRes in Art History (Asian Arts) from the Ecole du Louvre, Paris. She then worked as a Research Assistant at the National Museum of Asian Arts-Guimet, Paris. In her former role as Assistant Curator for Photography and New Media at the Singapore Art Museum (SAM), she curated and co-curated several exhibitions including Alain Fleischer, Time Exposures, SAM (2008), TRANSPORTASIAN: Visions of Contemporary Photography from Southeast Asia, SAM (2009); Rainbow Asia, Seoul Arts Center, Hangaram Museum (2010); and Video, an Art, a History 1965-2010: a Selection from the Centre Pompidou and Singapore Art Museum collections, SAM (2011). She has contributed to several essays and reviews for exhibition catalogues and international publications. She is presently an Independent Curator, working on The Philanthropic Museum, an on-line database project dedicated to photography and new media art.

Exposiciones comisariadas

Entrada actualizada el el 05 oct de 2012

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Noticias relacionadas

Mercado, 04 oct de 2012

John Baldessari, Javier Pérez, Paola Bragado y Shen Chao-Liang, entre los fichajes de la semana


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