Descripción de la Exposición
Liverpool Biennial announces new dates for its 11th edition. Postponed due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the edition will run from 20 March – 6 June 2021, with previews held on 18 and 19 March.
The Stomach and the Port explores notions of the body and ways of connecting with the world. The curatorial framework and artist list remain as announced last year in November 2019. The concepts that the 11th edition explores take on heightened sensitivity in the context of a pandemic and the global Black Lives Matter movement. Liverpool Biennial embraces the challenge of continuing to develop these ideas in a changed world, acknowledging these profound societal shifts, and artists’ responses to this altered reality.
Liverpool Biennial is continuing to monitor advice to ensure that this edition is delivered safely and with due care and attention to the needs of the artists, its staff and partners, as well as its local, national and international audiences.
Fatoş Üstek, Director of Liverpool Biennial, says:
“It is with excitement that we are announcing our new dates, on the day which would have been the opening of the 11th edition of Liverpool Biennial.
“In the course of the past year, we have collectively experienced seismic societal changes. The world has had to adapt to living, working and grieving through a pandemic. Lives and livelihoods have been impacted, in some cases permanently, and a world-wide recession is expected. Most recently in light of the largest racial justice movement of our lifetimes, we have been engaged with the urgent necessity to create equal, diverse and inclusive societies. These collective issues resonate strongly with our edition The Stomach and the Port, curated by Manuela Moscoso.
At Liverpool Biennial, we have paused our public facing programme during the last few months, in order to reflect on and respond to the global transformation that we are going through. We are committed to delivering the 11th edition, in ways that are safe for our artists, partners, supporters and our audiences.”
Manuela Moscoso, Curator of the 11th edition of Liverpool Biennial, says:
“Our ways of being in the world and the ways we relate to each other are being dramatically reshaped by the effects of COVID-19. At the same time, the world is marked by the Black Lives Matter movement, a call for social justice, and a demand for anti-racist action. Both occurring simultaneously is far from coincidence. They have their roots in a longstanding economy of extraction: nature, gendered bodies and racialised bodies are seen as commodifiable and disposable.
“The artists and thinkers collaborating on the 11th edition of Liverpool Biennial committedly question the rigid categories defined and perpetuated by colonial capitalism through their practices. I feel incredibly fortunate to work with and learn from them, and to be able to continue to do so into 2021.
Their practices embrace kinship, collectivism and bodily experience. This Biennial edition remains rooted in a commitment to decolonise our thought processes and our experience of the world. I believe this demands a long process of re-calibration of the senses, requires an acceptance of vulnerability and the recognition of our own privileges and prejudices. It must be more than a reflection: it needs to become a practice in all aspects of our life.”
The list of participating artists can be found below:
For further information and biographies, please visit
Larry Achiampong (UK/Ghana), Black Obsidian Sound System (B.O.S.S), Erick Beltrán (Mexico), Diego Bianchi (Argentina), Alice Channer (UK), Judy Chicago (USA), Ithell Colquhuon (UK), Christopher Cozier (Trinidad & Tobago), Yael Davids (Jerusalem/Netherlands), Ines Doujak (Austria) & John Barker (UK), Dr. Lakra (Mexico), Jadé Fadojutimi (UK), Jes Fan (Hong Kong/Canada), Lamin Fofana (Sierra Leone/USA), Ebony G. Patterson (Jamaica), Sonia Gomes (Brazil), Ane Graff (Norway), Ayesha Hameed (UK/Canada), Camille Henrot (France), Nicholas Hlobo (South Africa), Laura Huertas Millán (Colombia), Sohrab Hura (India), Invernomuto (Italy) & Jim C. Nedd (Italy), Rashid Johnson (USA), KeKeÇa (Turkey), Jutta Koether (Germany), lastyearzinterestingnegroisdead (UK), Ligia Lewis (USA/Dominican Republic), Linder (UK), Luo Jr‐shin (Taiwan), Jorge Menna Barreto (Brazil), Haroon Mirza (UK), Neo Muyanga (South Africa), Pedro Neves Marques (Portugal), Roland Persson (Sweden), Anu Põder (Estonia), Reto Pulfer(Switzerland/Germany), André Romão (Portugal), Kathleen Ryan (USA), Zineb Sedira (France), Xaviera Simmons (USA), Teresa Solar (Spain), Daniel Steegmann Mangrané (Spain/Brazil), Jenna Sutela (Finland), UBERMORGEN (Austria/USA), Leonardo Impett (UK/Italy) and Joasia Krysa (Poland), Luisa Ungar (Colombia/Austria), Alberta Whittle (Barbados), Zheng Bo (China), David Zink Yi (Peru/Germany)
During this uncertain time, the wellbeing, health and safety of our staff, artists, partners, supporters and guests remains our highest priority. Following advice from Public Health England and the World Health Organisation around the impacts of the Covid-19 outbreak, we recognise it is neither possible nor responsible for us to deliver our programme for Liverpool Biennial: The Stomach and the Port as originally planned from 11 July – 25 October 2020.
It is for these reasons that we have taken the decision to postpone the 11th edition of Liverpool Biennial until 2021.
At a time when our understanding of everyday life is constantly shifting, we believe postponing gives us the space and capacity to approach the edition with solidarity and care for our artists, colleagues and cultural community, in the city of Liverpool and throughout the world.
We recognise that this decision may come as a disappointment to those who have been working alongside our team on the Biennial this year. This new time frame will enable us to deliver our programme as intended – ensuring that our core values and responsibilities to our artists, freelancers, educational partners and audiences are not compromised.
Responding to the current climate, Director Fatos Üstek has said:
"Together, we are facing a crisis: a slowly evolving tragedy that will require strength, adaptation and endurance to overcome. In these unprecedented times, our connections are amplified. The Biennial edition we have been working to deliver concentrates on the interconnected nature of all things – there is no divide between nature and man, but rather an ecosystem where we host and are hosted by other species."
After attending to this situation on a local and global scale, listening to our artists, partners, supporters and our community, we have decided to postpone the 11th edition of the Liverpool Biennial to 2021. We believe that it is time for heightened care, reflection and solidarity. Culture and creativity are integral parts of our lives – that will not wither away. During these uncertain days, while we continue to develop this edition, we will be honouring our commitment to all those we work with and for in Liverpool and beyond."
Curator of the 11th edition, Manuela Moscoso, also offered a message of solidarity:
"It is through our body that we experience and connect with the world around us, and our understanding of these relationships is heightened in the face of a global pandemic. Now more than ever we see that our lives are interdependent. We are infinitely entangled with the world, and our relations are not only within human society, but also with the environment and the life-giving systems which sustain our existence. Our understanding of how we live in many overlapping worlds and experience the multifaceted effects of globalisation is intensified and is manifested in how we navigate our daily lives."
At a time when to protect our loved ones we must do what feels counterintuitive and maintain physical distance, I want to send a message of solidarity and care for all those who are living and working through these difficulties."
Myself and the Biennial team are working hard to deliver a festival which will be realised in 2021 and which will celebrate the body in all its manifestations, as a force of resilience, strength and a beacon of hope in uncertain tides."
The Liverpool Biennial team are working towards establishing new dates and will share details as soon as we are able to. Until then, please stay home, stay safe and take time to reflect and recuperate whenever possible.
Manuela Moscoso, who is currently senior curator at Mexico City’s Tamayo Museo, will be the curator of the 2020 Liverpool Biennial. She will work with the biennial curatorial team to cocurate the eleventh iteration of the contemporary art festival, which will take place from July 11 through October 25, 2020. The biennial is the largest festival of contemporary visual art in the United Kingdom.
”I am thrilled to be moving to Liverpool to start working with the talented team on the next edition of the Biennial,” Moscoso said. “It is a challenge and a great new context in which to set my mind, and my heart, at play.”
Moscoso earned degrees from Central Saint Martin’s in London and the Center for Curatorial Studies at Bard College and, in addition to several other curatorial roles, previously served as adjunct curator at the Twelfth Cuenca Biennial and as cocurator of the Queens International in 2012. She is also involved in Zarigüeya, a program examining the relationship between contemporary art and the pre-Columbian collection at the Museo de Arte Precolombino Casa del Alabado in Ecuador, where she is originally from.
Exposición. 20 mar de 2021 - 27 jun de 2021 / Bienal de Liverpool / Liverpool, Reino Unido
Exposición. 20 mar de 2021 - 27 jun de 2021 / Bienal de Liverpool / Liverpool, Reino Unido
Exposición. 20 mar de 2021 - 27 jun de 2021 / Bienal de Liverpool / Liverpool, Reino Unido
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