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Emergentes 2023: Portfolio reviews

Premios / Dotación:
Premio: 5.000 euros y exposición individual en Encontros da Imagem 2024   

14 abr de 2023 - 04 jun de 2023

Braga, Portugal

Cerrada desde 04-06-2023

Dirigido a:

Organizada por:
Encontros da Imagem

Miembros del jurado:
Pablo Berástegui


Correo electrónico
Fotografía  Fotografía en Braga 


Descripción del Premio

Parabéns, D.M. Terblanche, pelo primeiro lugar no prémio Emergentes 2023! Em 'HOLYDAY' a fotógrafa combina momentos do dia a dia da sua família com cenas domésticas reconstruídas, um exercício que lhe permite aceitar o teor imprevisível da vida, marcada pelo terror, pelo luto e pela alegria de quem acaba por sobreviver. Finalistas Amina Kadous - 'White Gold' Ana Rodríguez Heinlein - 'Tierra Sin Agua' Aaryan Sinha - 'This Isn't Divide and Conquer' Elisa Mariotti - 'A Letter from Home' Francesca Faulin - 'L'originale, l'ombra e la ripetizione' Katerina Kouzmitcheva - 'My Hut Is On The Edge' Luca Rotondo - 'KIRKA' Martin Tscholl - 'Imaginary Ecologies' Olga Sokal - 'Black Stone Burns' ---------------------------------------- A Open Call para a leitura de portfólios está oficialmente aberta e a aceitar candidaturas até 4 de junho. Este prémio permite aos fotógrafos encontrarem-se com especialistas em comissões de fotografia, galeristas, curadores e publishers na indústria para apresentarem os seus projetos. Estamos muito felizes por poder anunciar que o evento regressa à cidade de Braga após 3 anos de reviews virtuais. Durante esses dias, queremos conhecer trabalhos novos mas também caras novas! As críticas de portfólio serão lideradas por um júri independente e reconhecido internacionalmente no campo das artes visuais, alguns dos quais já anunciados e outros revelados muito em breve. O primeiro prémio atribuirá 5000€ ao portfólio vencedor, assim como uma exposição a solo nos Encontros da Imagem 2024. Os restantes nove finalistas terão a possibilidade de expôr o seu trabalho numa exposição coletiva, também em 2024. --------------------------------- --------------------------------- 1. RECIPIENTS All artists that use photography as an expression tool, regardless of the age, gender or nationality. 2. AWARD The EMERGENTES 2023 - International Photography Award Encontros da Imagem consists of 5.000€ monetary award and a solo exhibition in the next edition of the festival in 2024; Apart from the winner, 9 finalists will also be selected to have their work presented at a collective exhibition in the next edition of the festival in 2024. 3. SELECTION PROCESS The selection process will be in two stages: 1st stage: Applications until the 4th of June with up to 20 images per project. In this stage, a maximum of 70 portfolios will be selected. The criteria for the selection will be originality, coherence and conceptual quality of the projects. The finalists will be contacted individually by the organization in June. The entrance fee for this stage is 20€. 2nd stage: In the second stage, the finalist will have to enroll from the 26th of June until the 2nd of July, to have access to the 4 individual portfolio reviews with the critics they choose, each review will be 20 minutes. The portfolio reviews will be held on the 14th and 15th of September in Braga. The entrance fee for this stage is 80€. 4. SELECTING THE WINNER Selection of the max. 70 applicants to proceed on to the reviews is done by the Encontros da Imagem board of directors and the festival team, after which the independent jury consisting of photography experts from various areas (festivals, photobooks, magazines, museums institutions) will select the winner and 9 finalists with the best portfolios in contemporary photography after the portfolio reviews. The winner and finalists will be announced in September 2023. 5. IMAGE USE Winners & Finalists The images that are part of the selected work, can be used by the festival in order to promote exhibitions and activities in it. The works selected and produced for the 2024 edition of the festival will become part of the festival's archive at the end of this edition; In future, the festival may use the produced images for exhibitions (individual or collective), within the festival or in partnership with similar institutions. This will always be communicated to the authors beforehand. Whenever possible, and on a case-by-case basis, the festival will try to ensure that the artist receives a fee for their participation in these exhibitions. Authors take full responsibility for the authorship of the images/work presented. 6. PRODUCTION OF THE EXHIBITION** Winner: The festival will cover the production costs for the winner's solo exhibition that will be held next year, 2024. The conditions for the production of the exhibition will be agreed with the winner and the board of directors. 9 finalists: The festival will cover the production costs of the collective exhibition that will be held next year, 2024. NOTE: All the production conditions will be discussed by the festival and the artists. Any omitted issues in this regulation, shall be addressed by the organization.

Entrada actualizada el el 05 oct de 2023

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