Exposición en Sitges, Barcelona, España

Kin* by Night. *Kinshasa - Dolet Malalu & Francklin Mbungu

Out of Africa Gallery / Carrer Nou, 1 / Sitges, Barcelona, España
08 feb de 2020 - 22 mar de 2020
08 feb de 2020 / 20:00
De jueves al lunes de las 11 a las 14h y de las 18 a las 20.30h. Los sábados hasta las 21h.
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Descripción de la Exposición
TALENTS AND CREATIVE MINDS FROM DRC "From digital art to collages, Congolese artists have talents and creative minds that reach places other civilizations wouldn’t expect. While Western influence cannot be discounted for some of the newer trends in Congolese art, many artists from the DRC have expressed their desires for people to experience their art within the borders of their country, or at the very least, their continent. In fact, most Congolese artists have been experiencing international fame due to their imaginative and creative styles. It’s art that many people have never seen before." Demrepocongo We are so delighted to announce our future collaboration with two talented artists from Kinshasa: Dolet MALALU & Francklin MBUNGU. Dolet MALALU "Not being in the vein of the "naive" artists who have made the success of the Kinshasa School, Dolet MALALU attacks with strong works, organized in their disintegration that address the themes which are dear to him ... and, essentially refer to the "Dandies", this typically Kinois dress art, which is at once a work of art, a manifesto, a religion and a way of being, of existing and of appearing. A veritable instrument of recognition, la "SAPE", the fact of dressing in an extraordinarily original way, in garish tones and with implausible accessories, is for young Congolese men a way to assert their identity, their personality, their way of life, from party to celebration, on city nights and probably to deny the misery and the tragic hazards of life. The "SAPE" is also at the origin of many new words that have deviated “Sapeur” from its usual sense, even the word "Sapology" that the artist doesn't hesitate to call “Kitendi Religion”! This way of life has influenced most contemporary Congolese artists who manifest themselves in their creations with large frescoes depicting life and often nightlife. In his original way, Dolet MALALU fits in their wake as for his themes, but does not look like them in his pictorial quest. Inhabited by human characters who have a very strong presence, his canvases are often covered by graffiti, show men and women, together or separately, in the acts of urban life; in places and moments, such as street signs or the titles of some works reveal. With their bulging eyes, detailed jaws, all gashed with raging paint, Dolet MALALU has a tonic painting style that is fun to see and will retain its power and charm for a long time." Sylvain Sankalé. Art critic, Dakar Francklin MBUNGU "Very different from traditional Congolese folk painting, Francklin MBUNGU cuts, assembles, folds, superimposes layers of paper, glues them with exceptional dexterity and adds colored threads, ribbons and wrapping paper, thus creating almost three-dimensional works. We can take pleasure in finding characters, flowers and objects that all spring together to tell a story...their story. This astonishing technique allows the artist to create scenes where the tactile and visual sensations of volumes dominate. Because any material can be used to complete, highlight, emphasize and dress his paintings; papers and fabrics, but also a host of different materials (chains, strings, ribbons of all colors and textures) abundant and brilliant, the changeability of which contributes to the expressionism of his works. The artist creates vibrant and colorful portraits of his Congolese compatriots, including the iconic “sapeurs". Francklin MBUNGU is inspired both by the daily life and the mythology that permeates the experience of all Congolese, including the siren which is one of his recurring themes. His world is dreamlike and flamboyant. Very much marked by the aesthetics of the seventies, Mbungu often dresses his male characters in wide pants of multicolored elephants, shirts of garish colors and extravagant bow ties. As for women, they wear dresses and colorful headdresses that often showcase the shapes and textures of their hair. Francklin MBUNGU likes to represent street musicians, dancers in action or getting ready to go out to party. By making us dance and swirl to lose our breath, to lose consciousness, Francklin MBUNGU helps us to forget the present, far from our human condition, a moment of absence, and he makes us all feel very good." Sylvain Sankalé. Art critic, Dakar


Imágenes de la Exposición
La fille à la plage

Entrada actualizada el el 18 feb de 2020

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