Exposición en Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal, México


Commonwealth and Council x Galeria Agustina Ferreyra / Plaza Río de Janeiro # 52A, Int.1 Col. Roma Nte / Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal, México
11 jun de 2022 - 30 jul de 2022
11 jun de 2022 / 16 a 20 h.
Entrada gratuita
Enlaces oficiales:
Descripción de la Exposición

Nosotrxs, the inaugural show of Commonwealth and Council x Galeria Agustina Ferreyra celebrates kinship, friendship, and care, reflecting not only the works of the artists on view but also the kindling spark of this new enterprise between two young galleries. Galería Agustina Ferreyra, based in Puerto Rico, and Commonwealth and Council, based in Los Angeles, forged a friendship initially over Zoom in the early days of the pandemic over a professional connection. We quickly found affinities in our origin stories—artist-led visions that gradually formed our chosen families strengthened by intergenerational, diasporic, queer connective fibers—our missions and values. We found common ground in our struggles, carving out a sustainable future for galleries with primarily emerging programs in an ever-accelerating market. Our CDMX adventure marks our effort to find collaborative, collective-centering ways to survive, thrive, and grow our communities of artists and supporters.

Entrada actualizada el el 14 jun de 2022

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