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Gertrud Goldschmidt - Gego

Nació en 1912 en Alemania



Próximas exposiciones colectivas
Colección Ella Fontanals-Cisneros

Profesionales que le han comisariado
Brigitte Kölle en: Gego. Line As Object, 2014
Gego. Line as Object, 2014
Gego. Line as Object, 2013
Cindy Peña en: Gego, 2020
Costanza De Rogatis en: Gego sobre papel. El trazo transparente, 2013

Ferias en las que participa con OBRA
Art Basel Miami Beach 2024
ARCOmadrid 2024
Abu Dhabi Art Fair 2023

Galerías y otras organizaciones que le representan

Leon Tovar Gallery

Leon Tovar Gallery





Organizaciones con obra

Blanton Museum of Art

Blanton Museum of Art

Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (CIFO)

Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (CIFO)

Colección Isabel & Agustín Coppel - CIAC

Colección Isabel & Agustín Coppel - CIAC

Profesionales con obra

Brondesbury Holdings Ltd.

Brondesbury Holdings Ltd.

Clarissa Bronfman

Clarissa Bronfman

Estrellita B. Brodsky

Estrellita B. Brodsky

Abstracto  Acero  Aluminio  Dibujo  Escultura  Hierro  Instalación  Papel 

Documentos relacionados
pdf Biografía de Gego (por Josefina Manrique)


Descripción del Artista

Su presencia en la XXIII Bienal Internacional de Sao Paulo marcó un hito en la historia de la trayectoria de Gego y fue una  plataforma fundamental para la internacionalización de la obra de la artista. Gego (Gertrud Goldschmidt) was born on August 1, 1912, to a liberal Jewish banking family in Hamburg, Germany. She studied under Paul Bonatz at the University at Stuttgart, where she graduated with an architecture and engineering degree in 1938. As a student she was influenced by the innovations of the Bauhaus, a creative laboratory of design that operated for over two decades in pre-Hitler Germany. She was forced to leave Germany shortly after finishing her degree and immigrated to Venezuela in 1939. There she worked as a graphic designer and operated her own furniture workshop. She became a Venezuelan citizen in 1952 and lived there for the remainder of her life. In 1953, Gego began to develop her artistic practice full-time. Encouraged by the support of Alejandro Otero and Jesús Rafael Soto, she began to create three-dimensional works in 1956. During these three years, Gego operated in the margins of the Venezuelan kinetic and op art movements, and continued to study mathematics, architecture, and philosophy. In 1957 Gego participated in the exhibition Arte abstracto en Venezuela and by 1959 the Museum of Modern Art in New York had begun acquiring her work. She lived in New York briefly in 1960 and made several extended visits to the United States until 1967. In New York, she attended the Pratt Institute, where she took engraving and printmaking classes. She also worked in the Tamarind Lithography Workshop in Los Angeles before returning to Venezuela in 1967. For most of her career, she worked at a home studio in Caracas, creating a prolific and varied oeuvre consisting of sculptures and works on paper. She died in Caracas on September 17, 1994. Recent solo exhibitions of Gego’s work include Gego: Between Transparency and the Invisible, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (2005), and The Drawing Center, New York (2007); Gego: Defying Structures, Museu de Arte Contemporánea de Serralves, Porto; and Gego: Line as Object, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, and Henry Moore Institute, Leeds (2013).

Obras de Gertrud Goldschmidt - Gego (1 Obras)

Exposiciones en las que ha participado como artista
Obra de la exposición "Lucidus Disorder" — Imagen cortesía de Baró Galería

Videos del Artista (1)

Entrada actualizada el el 15 ene de 2025

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