
Irene Mohedano

1990 en Madrid, España
Cortesía de la artista
Reside en Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos
Descripción del Artista
Irene Mohedano, es una artista española con sede en Nueva York. Después de terminar BFA en la UCM, recibió una beca Fulbright y obtuvo una maestría en Teoría Crítica y las Artes en SVA, Nueva York. Investiga sobre los mecanismos de representación que construyen nuestra experiencia de la realidad, a través de un proceso crítico de cuestionamiento y desafío de narrativas hegemónicas y las formas en que se asimilan, así como sobre situaciones de conflicto derivadas de posiciones hegemónicas y relaciones de poder y resignificación a través de varias prácticas artísticas. Su trabajo ha sido expuesto tanto en España como en Nueva York, en lugares como BRIC Arts Media House, NY; The Greenpoint Gallery, NY; Centro del Carme, Valencia; CentroCentro, Madrid; y Casa Velázquez, Madrid, entre otros. Bio (english) Irene Mohedano is a Spanish artist based in New York. After completing her studies in Fine Arts at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid ... and in Communications, she was awarded a Fulbright scholarship and obtained an MA in Critical Theory and the Arts at the SVA, New York. She researches on the mechanisms of representation building our experience of reality, through a critical process of questioning and challenging hegemonic narratives and the forms by which they are presented, as well as on situations of conflict arising from hegemonic positions and power and re-significance relations, through several artistic practices such as installations, archives, photography and performance. Her work has been exhibited both in Spain and New York, in exhibitions sucha as Truth at BRIC Arts Media House (New York), The Greenpoint Gallery (New York), Premio Mardel Artes Visuales (Mardel Visual Arts Prize) Centre del Carme (Valencia), Atlas de las Ruinas de Europa at CentroCentro (Madrid), Paisajes de una Guerra (War Landscapes) at Casa Velázquez (Madrid), International Meetings of Action Art and Performance AcciónMad at Matadero Madrid, at III Salón de Verano en el Centro Cultural de Moncloa (Madrid), en Ductus: Gestos y Artefactos en la Sala C arte C del Museo del Traje (Madrid), among others. STATEMENT My work approaches the mechanisms and techniques of representation that build our experience of reality, through a critical process of questioning and challenging hegemonic narratives and the forms by which they are presented. By using a multidisciplinary approach that employs several art disciplines and fields of knowledges, I start at my own personal experience and reflection about the subject’s relationships with social, cultural and political structures. By addressing the past, I can think about the present and the social reactions arising from hegemonic situations, and relations of power and resignificance. My artistic practice is focused on the political, historical, social and cultural situations characterized by their exclusion from official narratives, by their concealment from the field of the sensible - that is, what is visible, what is audible, what can be perceived- , by their oblivion within History, and tries to recover forgotten memories to confront the reasons behind their concealment and the conflicts underlying their repression. I try to read their topology by deciphering their history and implications with the physical and socio-political contexts and their consequences and relationships with the individual.


Galería de Obra de Irene Mohedano (3 Obras)
  • Feel Home Here; Feel Local Here;..., 2018
    Arte de Acción
    Ver obra
  • Tengo Miedo; No tenemos Miedo, 2018
    Arte de Acción
    Ver obra
  • Politics of Inequality, 2018
    Ver obra

Entrada actualizada el el 18 jun de 2020

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28 nov de 2023 - 31 ago de 2024

Madrid, España

20 jul de 2024 - 13 jul de 2025

Institut Valencià d’Art Modern (IVAM) / Valencia, España

24 oct de 2024 - 25 oct de 2024

Centro Botín / Santander, Cantabria, España

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