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Ivani Pedrosa

Nació en 1955 en Rio de Janeiro, Brasil



Profesionales que le han comisariado
Marisa Flórido en: (In)Visibilidade, 2012
Martha Pagy en: Entretempos - o indivíduo e a cidade, 2015

Organizaciones con obra

Centro Cultural Cândido Mendes - Ipanema

Centro Cultural Cândido Mendes - Ipanema

Profesionales con obra

Ana Dantas

Ana Dantas

Elisa Soares

Elisa Soares

Jacqueline Plass

Jacqueline Plass

Artistas en su colección de arte

Cildo Meireles

Cildo Meireles

Cristiane Geraldelli

Cristiane Geraldelli

Iole de Freitas

Iole de Freitas

Abstracción geométrica  Acero  Acrílico  Activismo  Arte ambiental  Arte conceptual  Arte concreto  Arte contemporáneo  Arte digital  Arte iberoamericano  Arte Interactivo  Arte latinoamericano  Arte sonoro  Arte tecnológico  Assemblage  Bordado  Canvas  Cotidiano  Diseño  Escultura  Experimental  Fotografía  Fotografía Alternativa  Fotografía móvil  Grafito  Instalación  Instalación artística  Instalación site specific  Interactivo  Objeto Artístico  Óleo sobre tela  Papel  Photoshop  Pintura  Prácticas contemporáneas  Sociedad de Consumo  Sostenibilidad  Técnica Mixta  Transvanguardia  Video arte  Videocreación 

Documentos relacionados
pdf ENTRETEMPOS - o indivíduo e a cidade
pdf Centro Universitário MARIANTONIA, USP, SP, Brasil
pdf Participación en TRIO Bienal - Bienal Tridimensional Internacional de Río de Janeiro 2017
pdf Portfólio IVANI PEDROSA 2020

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Descripción del Artista

Ivani Pedrosa was born in Rio de Janeiro, where she lives and works. Maintains a study group with artists and develops work in photography in co-authorship with the art collective EXBOO. Graduated from the EBA, UFRJ (1995). Participated in an international workshop of art in London in 1994 and from 1996 to 2007, she attended courses at the EAV, Parque Lage, RJ. Started to exhibit their artworks in 1999, at the MNBA, RJ and then attended several sollo and collective exihbitions around the country, presenting architectural intervention, spatial interventions, and they are usually presented in the form of interactive installations and Sound interactive Installations. These installations are addressed questions about the construction and deconstruction of the image that each offers the other, the spectacle and banality of these images and "narcissism" created by the contemporary world. The observer is requested by using perception and led to interact with the artwork without being imposed to, simply by the curiosity that the work provokes in getting in touch with it. . It also produces Multiples interactive in series, drawings with graphite powder on paper and explores the photographic environment with conventional cameras, digital and mobile phone as well as develops and promotes workshops of video art with mobile phone. Produce interactive works that also requesting the perception of the observer is the medium that more interesting for the artist as a means of expression.

Galería de Obra de Ivani Pedrosa (5 Obras)

Exposiciones en las que ha participado como artista
Já é Setembro?

Videos del Artista (4)

Imágenes del Artista
Sois Vós?

Entrada actualizada el el 26 jun de 2024

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Recomendaciones ARTEINFORMADO

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Exposición. 18 oct de 2024 - 02 feb de 2025 / Museo Guggenheim Bilbao / Bilbao, Vizcaya, España

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