
Karina Aguilera Skvirsky - Karina Skvirsky

1969 en Providence, Rhode Island, Estados Unidos
Karina Skvirsky
Reside en Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos
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Descripción del Artista
Karina Aguilera Skvirsky is a multi-disciplinary artist who works in photography, video and performance. She participated in There is always a cup of sea for man to sail, the 29th Sao Paolo Biennial (2010), where she exhibited work from her project, Memories of Development. She is represented by DPM Gallery, Ecuador. In 2015 she was awarded a Fulbright grant and a NYC Film and Video grant from the Jerome Foundation to produce "The Perilous Journey of Maria Rosa Palacios", a performance based film. She recently participated in Office Hours,Back in 5 minutes, an artist in residence program at El museo del barrio.Solo exhibitions in 2014 included Hansel & Gretel Picture Garden Pocket Utopia, NY, NY and DPM Gallery, Guayaquil, Ecuador. Skvirsky's work has been exhibited internationally in group and solo shows including: The Newark Museum, NJ (2014), The Montclair Art Museum, NJ (2013), Munikat Gallery, Munich,(2013), DPM Gallery, Guayaquil, Ecuador (2012), ... La Ex-Culpable, Lima, Peru (2010), Scaramouche Art, NY(2010), Galeria Proceso (a parallel exhibition with the Cuenca Biennial 2009), The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, CT (2007), Sara Meltzer Gallery,NY (2006), Smack Mellon, NY (2007), Momenta Art, NY (2006) and others. She has received grants from NJSCA (New Jersey State Council on the Arts), (2014), NYSCA (New York State Council on the Art, Film and Electronic Arts Grant), (2010), Urban Artist Initiative Grant, NY, NY, (2006), NALAC (National Association of Latino Arts & Culture) Grant, San Antonio, TX, (2006), Puffin Foundation Grant, Teaneck, NJ, (2006) and others. She has participated in the following artist-in-ressidence programs including: The Laundromat Project (2011),MacDowell Artist in Residence Program, Peterborough, NH, (2005 & 2010), Cuts and Burns Residency, Outpost, Artist in Residence Program, Brooklyn, NY, (2008), Harvestworks New Work Residency, NY, NY, (2006), SwingSpace, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, NY, NY, (2005), Institute of Electronic Arts Residency, Alfred University, Alfred, NY, (2005), Center for Book Arts, Artist in Residence,, NY, NY, (2005), Smack Mellon Artist in Residence, Brooklyn, NY, (2004), Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Workspace, Woolworth Building, NY, NY, (2003), Cyberart Residency, Longwood Arts Project, Bronx, NY, (2003) and others. Skvirsky is an Associate Professor at Lafayette College and is part of the MFA Faculty at The New School, Parsons School of Art and Design in NY.NY.



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28 nov de 2023 - 31 ago de 2024

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