
Lina Yakobi

Krasnoturansk, Krasnoyarsk, Rusia
Lina Yakobi
Reside en Marbella, Málaga, España
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Descripción del Artista
I am Lina Yakobi, an innovative artist. With the Yakobi method I developed, I create paintings that can change their image depending on the lighting, offering the viewer two different visual experiences in one piece. This technique not only demonstrates my commitment to innovation in art but also emphasizes my philosophy on the multifaceted nature of perception and the hidden dimensions of reality. I create installations that are considered on 3 levels: 1. In light, as usual 2. The stories of each character in AR 3. In darkness, what can only be seen in it using my method of depiction, the Yakobi method. Such installations do not exist in the world, to be considered at 3 levels of perception. More about the installation on the site and upon request. Also, the "Transformation" space is a space in which art, AI, and spiritual search are connected. The room consists of soundproof panels with paintings by the Yakobi ... method, where in the light you see one thing, and in the darkness, images hidden in the light appear. They cannot be seen in the light. It is like with open eyes you see one thing, but closing them, you will see what imagination paints. It's the same here. You will see the hidden. And the guide in this space for meditations will be the calm voice of AI, a spiritual mentor, which I developed based on AI from Open AI. Bags with replaceable panels are real eco bags thanks to which pollution of the planet will decrease, and art will become closer because each replaceable panel is my painting or print. No need for many bags when there is just one universal one with replaceable panels. For 20 years, I have been explaining how great it is to sell something by including the cost of a tree seed in the price of your product, explaining that when a customer buys something, they will feel not just as a consumer, but thanks to their choice, a new tree will appear on the planet. And I am true to my sales scheme which I call "buying = restoring." And I continue to talk about this to everyone I meet on my path. I am a researcher, artist, creative person who realized that my home is the planet Earth, not the apartment - it is the home in which I live


Galería de Obra de Lina Yakobi (5 Obras)
Imágenes del Artista
Lina Yakobi

Entrada actualizada el el 06 may de 2024

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03 may de 2024 - 02 jun de 2024

Uribitarte40 / Bilbao, Vizcaya, España

21 sep de 2023 - 04 jul de 2024

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS) / Madrid, España

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