Galerías y otras organizaciones que le representan
Organizaciones con obra
Profesionales con obra
Descripción del Artista
Vive y trabaja en Madrid y Mexico DF
Licenciado en la ETSAM (2006) y becado en el Illinois Institute of Technology y en el Institute of Design, Chicago.
La formación como arquitecto ha creado siempre una gran influencia en la investigación y desarrollo de su práctica. Interesado
en todo lo periférico a la arquitectura, los procesos, desarrollos y planteamientos que pueden ser manipulados, sampleados
y traducidos a otras escalas, adaptándose a la composición del proyecto, creando nuevos escenarios no contempladas anteriormente.
La ficción, la representación y la interpretación de lo doméstico han sido los espacios base para en el desarrollo de su trabajo.
Su trabajo ha sido expuesto en la XI Bienal de Venecia, The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York), MAXXI (Roma), Tokyo
Wonder Site (Tokyo), MAC Quinta Normal (Chile), ArtiInstitute (Chicago), Matadero (Madrid), La Casa Encendida (Madrid), Centro de Arte Tabacalera (Madrid), Fabrica Features (Lisboa), The Popular Workshop (San Francisco), Zona Maco (Mexico), ArteBA (Buenos Aires), NADA Ny (New York), Galeria TalCual (Mexico DF), Galeria Eva Ruiz, Dama Aflita (Porto), Centro Cultural Estación Mapocho (Chile), Parque Cultural (Valparaiso, Chile), Transculturelles des Abattoirs (Casablanca), National Glyptoteque (Athens), Bienal Iberoamericana de Medellin, ArtBasel 2010, Espacio Kukuruchos (Guadalajara), CutLog Art Fair FIAC10 (Paris)
Ha sido invitado como profesor y conferenciante en Geneve (HEAD), Columbia University (New York), Danish Center for Architecture (Copenhagen), Vitra Design Museum at Boisbuchet, Kent State University (Florence), Graham Foundation (Chicago), LIGA (Mexico DF), Universidad Anahuac (México) , Istambul Design Biennial, Buenos Aires, Grenoble , Barcelona, Madrid & Alicante.
Lives and works between Madrid and Mexico City
His practice takes anthropology, archeology and criminology as a main reference of phenomenology to create lines of investigation based on the idea of reconstructions, of timelines, interpretations, uncertain materiality, imprecise descriptions, ambiguity and interpretations of reality.
Fiction, and representation of diverse domestic geographies have been language and scenarios to create diverse video works, using amateur choreographies with objects to represent his ideas.
His lastest investigations are based on the idea of ‘karaoke’, working with absence of lines of information to create new bodies of work with missing parts, images or explanations, to create a line of complicity with the viewer, who builds interpretations or reconstructions out of this pieces, as tourists, archeologist, or simple karaoke singers in a bar.
Urculo is also interested on a redefinition of the possible tools, procedures and formats within architecture. Mainly is an investigation focused on the representation and the narrative of the ‘invisible’ that defines the space. A work not so directly related with the gravity and weight, a value which has been a main unit to measure construction and its media impact on the last decades.
Works exhibited in the The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York), The Art Institute (Chicago), MAXXI (Rome), MAC Museum of Contemporary Art of Santiago (Chile), Tokyo Wonder Site (Japan), Storefront for Art & Architecture (New York), XIth Venice Biennial – Spanish pavilion, Lisbon Triennale, La Casa Encendida (Madrid), Centro Pecci (Prato), Matadero (Madrid), Arredondo/Arozarena (Mexico DF), Max Estrella (Madrid), The Popular Workshop (San Francisco), Montevideo Biennial, Centro Cultural Estación Mapocho (Chile), Centro Cultural de España en Buenos Aires (Argentina), Parque Cultural Valparaiso (Chile), National Glyptoteque (Athens), Fabrica Features (Lisbon), Sala Gasco (Chile).
Luis Urculo is represented by Arredondo/Arozarena (MX), Max Estrella (SP), Espai Tactel (SP).
Since 2010 is the co-director & curator of Living room Festival together with Maria Jerez, Juan Dominguez and Cuqui Jerez
Artist in residence at Casa Wabi (Oaxaca, Mexico), Tokyo Art & Space, El Ranchito (Matadero, Madrid), Pivô (Sao Paulo), MacDowell Colony
As a teacher and researcher has been directing with Jaime Hayón the Master of European Design Labs at Istituto Europeo di Design, Madrid during 5 years.
Also has been invited as visiting professor and lecturer in Columbia University (New York), UCLA (Los Angeles), HEAD (Geneve), Danish Center for Architecture (Copenhagen), Vitra Design Museum at Boisbuchet, Graham Foundation (Chicago), Universidad de Talca (Chile), INDA Chulalongkorn University (Bangkok), Universidad Anahuac (México DF), Umeå University (Sweden), Escola da Cidade (Sao Paulo), SOMA (Mexico), Kent State University (Florence), Tokyo Wonder Site (Tokyo), ENSAG (Grenoble), LIGA (Mexico), Istambul Biennial, Espacio Monte (Buenos Aires), Elisava (Barcelona), ETSAM (Madrid) and EPS (Alicante).
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