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Luiz Roque

Artista, Comisario
Nació en 1979 en Cachoeira do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil



Profesionales que le han comisariado
Léon Kruijswijk en: Estufa, 2024

Ferias en las que participa con OBRA
Frieze Seoul 2023
Art Dubai 2019

Galerías y otras organizaciones que le representan

Bolsa de Arte

Bolsa de Arte

Mendes Wood DM

Mendes Wood DM

Organizaciones con obra

Associação Cultural Videobrasil

Associação Cultural Videobrasil

Arte contemporáneo  Arte iberoamericano  Queer  Video arte 


Descripción del Artista

Attracted by the power of image and, in particular, by sensations that stem from the sense of vision, Luiz Roque’s work crosses different territories, such as the genre of science fiction, the legacy of Modernism, pop-culture and queer bio-politics, in order to understand the propose ingenious and visually sensual narratives. The plasticity of the allegories he uses in his films takes us through the current conflict between technological advancement and contemporary micro and macro power relations. Roque’s works inhabit a space between cinema, art and critical theory; all within the scope of political dispute that is both real and imaginary. Furthermore, his works comment on the dissociative conditions of being: between the latency of life and respective bureaucratic definitions. In this sense, his works combine the splendour of science fiction - as a device for the dissemination of hypotheses - with resources from the language of cinema in order to present us with scenarios of social tension and complex public debates. (Cachoeira do Sul, Brazil, 1979). Lives and works in São Paulo. Recent solo exhibitions: Televisão (MAC Niterói, Rio de Janeiro), HEAVEN (Tramway, Glasgow, 2017), The Modern Years (Mendes Wood DM, Brussels, 2017) and Ancestral (CCSP, São Paulo (2016). His works were included in several institutional shows such as: 1st Riga Biennial (2018), Avenida Paulista (MASP, São Paulo, 2017), 32th São Paulo Biennial (2016), Mark Leckey: Containers and Their Drivers (MoMA PS1, New York, 2016), The Violet Crab (DRAF, London, 2015), The Brancusi Effect, (Kunsthalle, Vienna, 2014), 9th Bienal Mercosul Biennial, Porto Alegre (2013) and Love and Hate to Lygia Clark (Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Warsow, 2013).

Exposiciones en las que ha participado como artista
Eu não confio
Luiz Roque, Filmstill aus White Year, 2013. Performer: Glamour Garcia. Mit freundlicher Genehmi-gung des Künstlers und von Mendes Wood DM, São Paulo/Brüssel/Paris/New York. © der Künstler

Exposiciones comisariadas
Expo 14/15

Entrada actualizada el el 01 oct de 2024

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