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Rodolpho Parigi

Nació en 1977 en São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brasil



Ferias en las que participa con OBRA
Art Basel Miami Beach 2024
The Armory Show 2024
ArtRio 2023

Galerías y otras organizaciones que le representan

Galeria Nara Roesler

Galeria Nara Roesler

Organizaciones con obra

Associação Cultural Videobrasil

Associação Cultural Videobrasil

Instituto Itaú Cultural

Instituto Itaú Cultural

Museu de Arte Brasileira (MAB-FAAP)

Museu de Arte Brasileira (MAB-FAAP)

Artistas en su colección de arte

Marjo Mizumoto

Marjo Mizumoto

Arte contemporáneo  Arte latinoamericano  Performance  Pintura  Queer 

Web  Instagram 

Descripción del Artista

Recently, the artist participated in several important solo and group exhibitions, including Queermuseu, at Parque Lage (2018), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Panoramas do Sul, at Sesc_Videobrasil (2015), in São Paulo, Brazil; and Febre, at Pivô (2013), in São Paulo, Brazil. Parigi is part of a generation of artists that emerged in Brazil in the early 2000s. The artist began to gain particular attention while he was still a student of Visual Arts at the Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado (FAAP). Nara Roesler recalls the beginning of the collaboration between the gallery and the artist: "I discovered Rodolpho Parigi's work when he was still at university, and I was impressed with the quality of his trace and aesthetic rigor. Parigi is a virtuoso who is able to leverage his potential to the fullest, using unique chromatics and vocabularies." In the following years, Parigi's prestige progressively expanded and consolidated revealing the potency of the young painters’ work, who remained committed to the history and technique of his practice. In the words of curator Ivo Mesquita, "his production is the work of a masterful and obsessive artist who is simultaneously avid and ambitious, who believes in and celebrates the capacity of decorative pictorial tradition to produce meaning and therefore attacks the surface of the painting like a battlefield, in a libidinal, all-out and passionate clashing." Parigi is capable of intertwining - within the space of a single canvas - a great variety of figures and forms derived from the most diverse of universes, creating vibrant compositions with futuristic echoes. Parigi's visual fictions have also transcended the field of painting, with the artist having explored that of performance through his character Fancy Violence. The persona serves as the artist's alter ego, transiting between real-life and on-screen presence, and offering a tenet for Parigi to develop works and actions in consonance with his practice's characteristic entwinement of body and machine, organic and artificial, in a visual production that evokes the distinctive universe of Queer. According to Parigi, his work "grows from a conflict between reality and fiction. From drawings to paintings and performance works, I have explored the possibilities of a self-imagined sci-fi world inhabited by hybrid or androgynous figures of strange beauty and shapes that come to the surface like living bodies that could breathe or move. I make drawings and paintings as a way to transfigure ideas of body and gender while exploring the boundaries between material and artificial." Curator and Art historian Marcos Moraes, furthers this point in writing that "painting, like living, becomes, for Rodolpho Parigi, an act of resistance, and at the same time, of affirmation, of existence," or perhaps of multiple existences that interrelate in the pictorial space.

Exposiciones en las que ha participado como artista
Rodolpho Parigi in his studio in São Paulo. Photo: Flavio Freire. Courtesy of the Artist and Nara Roesler.

Entrada actualizada el el 29 abr de 2024

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