Exposición en Teulada, Alicante, España


IB Isabel Bilbao - INMOART / Carrer Les Tosqueres, 2 - Moraira / Teulada, Alicante, España
02 sep de 2011 - 27 sep de 2011
02 sep de 2011
Artistas participantes:
Descripción de la Exposición

Bonaventura Anson's visually striking methacrylate sculptures engage us with their sinuous curves and translucent material which appears to sculpt the very light itself. Bonaventura Anson regards art as a living thing that is vital to the cultural life of all nations, and with his Mediterranean background, he has been deeply immersed in the long history of classical art. His work, which is highly contemporary and cutting edge, also builds upon the classical tradition and its respect for fundamentals.


There is often a visual weightlessness to his works, as they seem to reach up and out from their bases, as if they were made of air. The sculptures twist and writhe, but are not tortured; rather, they convey a deep sense of peace and holistic relationship with their space. Bonaventura Anson has said that art is one of the few means by which all ... countries can communicate, and his visual language, through his art, expresses a respect for tradition but also looks forward to the future.


Artist Statement


I have always thought that art is something very important, not only at the moment we live but above all in the course of history. Cultures have been known through the history of art. To be a painter is, itself, a privilege. But to be an artist is higher. For someone to become an artist, apart from having good technique or earning a living from it, it has to be vocational. Art is in very high percentage about sacrifice, vocation. Artists must be rich in knowledge of different disciplines, techniques, skills, to radiate feeling and make the message comprehensible. At this point I myself am interested in expressing a strong feeling of freedom, to combat societal slavery. My symbol of freedom is the cloud, for what can be more representative than that?



Imágenes de la Exposición

Entrada actualizada el el 26 may de 2016

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