Exposición en Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal, México

There Are Other Fish In The Sea

OMR / Córdoba, 100 / Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal, México
20 nov de 2019 - 18 ene de 2020
20 nov de 2019
Organizada por:
Artistas participantes:
Enlaces oficiales:
Descripción de la Exposición

The artwork, which lends itself to the exhibition's title, utilizes the format of commercial signage, appropriating its form while contextualizing it within the forthcoming consequences of consumerism. The phrase diverges from a human-centric discourse, which reconceptualizes the potential end of human life as rather insignificant for the rest of life on Earth: Other species will migrate and flourish in our absence, and there will be plenty of fish who will take our place and inhabit our spaces.

Entrada actualizada el el 04 dic de 2019

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