
Dora Garraffo

1948 en Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dora Garraffo
Descripción del Artista
Born in Buenos Aires, Dora Garraffo teaches Visual Arts. She graduated from the Manuel Belgrano National Fine Arts School, where she attended courses by Aida Carballo in printmaking. She also attended other institutions, including the Mutualidad de Estudiantes y Egresados de Bellas Artes (MEEBA), Sociedad Estímulo Bellas Artes, the Art Student League in Nueva York, Escuela de Arte de Avellaneda, and Universidad Nacional de las Artes, among others. She has exhibited in galleries, cultural centers and museums in Buenos Aires, Misiones and New York. Since 1995, she works with engravings. She has received awards and prizes in painting and drawing from well known institutions in Argentina, such as the Manuel Belgrano School, the Avellaneda Fine Arts Salon, and the Society of Sculptors; and abroad, from the Manhattan Art International magazine. She won the first prize in drawing at the Autumn Salon, organized by the Society of Artists of Argentina. Her ... works are part of the permanent collection at the National Museum of Engraving in Buenos Aires, and of galleries and private collections.



Entrada actualizada el el 07 sep de 2016

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21 sep de 2023 - 04 jul de 2024

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS) / Madrid, España

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