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Mamma Andersson

Artista, Comisario
Nació en 1964 en Luleå, Norrbottens Lan, Suecia



Galerías y otras organizaciones que le representan

David Zwirner

David Zwirner

Organizaciones con obra

Dallas Museum of Art - DMA

Dallas Museum of Art - DMA

Göteborgs Konsthall

Göteborgs Konsthall

Hammer Museum

Hammer Museum

Descripción del Artista

Andersson es una de las artistas suecas más reconocidas en el ámbito internacional. Inspirada en imágenes de películas, escenografías de teatro e interiores de época, las composiciones de Mamma Andersson son a menudo oníricas y expresivas. Sus referencias estilísticas incluyen la pintura figurativa nórdica del cambio de siglo 19 al siglo XX, el arte popular y el vernacular contemporáneo; pero el uso sugestivo del espacio pictórico y las yuxtaposiciones de capas gruesas de tinta y lavadas texturadas constituyen características únicas de su trabajo. Su temática se desarrolla en torno a paisajes evocadores, melancólicos e interiores privados corrientes. Su trabajo está representado en colecciones como las de MoMa, Nueva York; Dallas Museum of Modern Art; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo - MOCA, Los Ángeles; Hammar Museum, Los Ángeles; Nasjonalmuseet, Oslo; Moderna Museet, Estocolmo. En 2006 ella recibió el primer premio en el Carnegie Art Award y en 2003 representó a Suecia en la Bienal de Venecia. Ella se graduó en el Royal Institute of Arts, Estocolmo, en 1993. (ENG) Inspired by filmic imagery, theater sets, and period interiors, Karin Mamma Andersson's compositions are often dreamlike and expressive. While stylistic references include turn-of-the-century Nordic figurative painting, folk art, and local or contemporary vernacular, her evocative use of pictorial space and her juxtapositions of thick paint and textured washes is uniquely her own. Her subject matter revolves around evocative, melancholic landscapes and nondescript, private interiors. Andersson was born in 1962 in Luleå, Sweden. She studied from 1986 to 1993 at the Royal University College of Fine Arts in Stockholm, where she continues to live and work. Since 2004, Andersson's work has been represented by David Zwirner. Behind the Curtain marked her third solo exhibition at the gallery in New York, on view January through February 2015. Previous shows include Who is sleeping on my pillow (2010), a two-person exhibition with Jockum Nordström, and Rooms Under the Influence (2006), which marked the artist's United States debut. In 2011, Andersson's work was the subject of a solo exhibition at Museum Haus Esters in Krefeld, Germany. She had her first museum solo show in the United States at the Aspen Art Museum, Colorado in 2010, and her first solo exhibition in Ireland at the Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin in 2009. In 2007, a critically acclaimed, mid-career survey of her work was organized by Moderna Museet, Stockholm, which traveled to Kunsthalle Helsinki and the Camden Arts Centre, London. In 2006, the artist won the Carnegie Art Award, a prestigious prize for Nordic contemporary painting, which received a corresponding exhibition that traveled extensively throughout Europe. Her work was represented in the Nordic Pavilion at the 50th Venice Biennale in 2003.

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Entrada actualizada el el 02 nov de 2017

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