
Naima Ramos-Chapman

Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos
Naima Ramos-Chapman
Enlaces oficiales:
Descripción del Artista
Naima Ramos-Chapman is an American writer, actress, and filmmaker. She directed two short films that deal with gender-based violence, And Nothing Happened in 2016, and Piu Piu in 2018. Ramos-Chapman was raised in Flatbush, Brooklyn. She is of Puerto Rican and Black descent. She studied dance from childhood and attended the Alvin Ailey School for Dance. Ramos-Chapman graduated from Brooklyn College. The first film Ramos-Chapman wrote and directed was the 2016 short And Nothing Happened. She used Kickstarter and worked several jobs to finance the film. The film, which she stars in, was inspired by her trauma in the aftermath of a sexual assault. She stated in an interview with Essence, "It is not only a thing one person survives–sexual assault is something a whole family, community, nation survives and until we understand that we cannot truly confront it. That is why I made And Nothing Happened." In 2018, Ramos-Chapman wrote and ... directed Piu Piu, a "psycho surrealist" short that premiered at the 2018 BlackStar Film Festival. Piu Piu is loosely based on an experience Ramos-Chapman had being stalked by a stranger in public. Ramos-Chapman is a writer, director, and actor for HBO's Random Acts of Flyness. She also edits and does production work for the series. On July 24, 2019, it was announced that Ramos-Chapman was slated to direct a Showtime series called How to Make Love to a Black Woman (Who May Be Working Through Some Sh*t), executive produced by Lena Waithe and written by Casallina “Cathy” Kisakye. In February 2020, it was announced that Showtime would no longer move forward with the pilot.



Entrada actualizada el el 23 jul de 2020

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01 jun de 2024 - 30 jun de 2024

Bilbao, Vizcaya, España

12 jun de 2024 - 02 sep de 2024

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS) / Madrid, España

21 sep de 2023 - 04 jul de 2024

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS) / Madrid, España

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12 jun de 2024 - 31 jul de 2024


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