
José Castrellón

1980 en Ciudad de Panamá, Panama, Panamá
Proyecto Zoned Out. Cortesía del artista
Reside en Panamá
Galerías y otras organizaciones que le representan:
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Descripción del Artista

José Castrellón (b. 1980, Panama) is a photographer who identifies with cultural changes and the impact they have on different places. His sensibility as an artist is attracted to the transformational forces of a society, to the cultural influences of other people, as well as to the physical transformation of urban or rural spaces, brought about by commercialism and urban construction. In general, he is attracted to all events that can generate change in people or their way of living. The physical aspect of his work portrays the use of light and color to generate his images. His work is laden with this intent: to document cultural modifications of people, their involution and evolution within their societies, as well as all the events reflected in their environment. His work documents as a poetic testimony, the vestiges of cultures, and it tries to project with an optical social conscience, man within his context.

Entrada actualizada el el 02 feb de 2022

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05 abr de 2024 - 05 may de 2024

Madrid, España

21 sep de 2023 - 04 jul de 2024

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS) / Madrid, España

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