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Descripción del Artista
Estudou Cinema em Lisboa e em Praga, tirou um MFA em Amesterdão e é doutoranda em estudos fílmicos na Universidade de Coimbra. O seu trabalho tem-se centrado na imagem em movimento e tem sido exibido tanto em espaços artísticos como em festivais de cinema. Após realizar algumas curtas metragens, a sua primeira longa-metragem "Terra de Ninguém” estreou internacionalmente na Berlinale (Forum) e foi exibida em vários outros festivais centrais. Lamas é bolseira da MacDowell Colony, do Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, e do DAAD Berliner Künstlerprogramm.
In a fertile occupation of “no man’s land”, Lamas refers to her work as critical media practice parafictions.
Rather than conventionally dwelling in the periphery between cinema and the visual arts, fiction and documentary, Lamas has been attempting to make these languages her own, treading new paths in form and content, challenging the conventional methods of film production, modes of exhibition and the lines between various filmic and artistic forms of aesthetic expression.
These works of modified ethnography show an interest in the intrinsic relationship between storytelling, memory, and history, while using the moving image to explore the traumatically repressed, seemingly unrepresentable, or historically invisible, from the horrors of colonial violence to the landscapes of global capital.
Bio note
Salomé Lamas (Lisbon) studied cinema in Lisbon and Prague, visual arts in Amsterdam and is a Ph. D candidate in contemporary art studies in Coimbra.
Her work has been screened both in art venues and film festivals such as Berlinale, BAFICI, Museo Arte Reina Sofia, FIAC, MNAC – Museu do Chiado, DocLisboa, Cinema du Réel, Visions du Réel, MoMA – Museum of Modern Art, Museo Guggenheim Bilbao, Harvard Film Archive, Museum of Moving Images NY, Jewish Museum NY, Fid Marseille, Arsenal Institut fur film und videokunst, Viennale, Culturgest, CCB - Centro Cultural de Belém, Hong Kong FF, Museu Serralves, Tate Modern, CPH: DOX, Centre d’Art Contemporain de Genève, Bozar , Tabakalera, ICA London, TBA 21 Foundation, Mostra de São Paulo, CAC Vilnius, MALBA, FAEMA, SESC São Paulo, MAAT, La Biennale di Venezia Architettura, among others.
Lamas was granted several fellowships such as the Gardner Film Study Center Fellowship – Harvard University, Film Study Center-
Harvard Fellowship, The Rockefeller Foundation – Bellagio Center, Brown Foundation – Dora Maar House, Fundación Botín, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Sundance, Bogliasco Foundation, The MacDowell Colony, Yaddo, Camargo Foundation, Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD.
She collaborates with Universidade Católica Portuguesa and Elias Querejeta Zine Eskola. She collaborates with the production company O Som e a Fúria and is represented by Galeria Miguel Nabinho and Kubikgallery.
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#ArtistasenAlza: tres portuguesas nacidas en los 80 para seguir de cerca
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Las reconocidas becas para artistas de la Fundación Botín ya tienen ganadores
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Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España