Artista, Gestor cultural, Comisario, Investigador/Docente

Andrés Jaque

1971 en Madrid, España
Andrés Jaque
Reside en Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos
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Descripción del Artista
Andrés Jaque (Madrid, 1971) dirige Andrés Jaque Arquitectos y la Oficina de Innovación Política. Administran desde 2004 la marca de calidad Arquitectura Parlamento. Están desarrollando proyectos para la Región de Murcia, la Empresa Municipal de la Vivienda de Madrid, Patricia Phelps de Cisneros y Art Fairs. Ha impartido conferencias en importantes instituciones como: Istituto Politecnico, Milán; ETH, Zurich; Centre International pour la Ville, París; Columbia University, Nueva York, o Berlage Institut, Rotterdam. Su trabajo se ha expuesto en el Schweizerisches Architektur Museum, Basilea; la Cité de l Architecture et du Patrimoine, París; Hellerau Festspielhaus, Dresde; La Casa Encendida, Madrid; 7ª Bienal de Venecia de Arquitectura o la Bienal de Arquitectura Iberoamericana 2004, Lima. Ha recibido el premio Dionisio Hernández Gil por la Casa Sacerdotal Diocesana de Plasencia, finalista también de la VIII Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Su proyecto TUPPER HOME ha sido finalista del premio europeo Mies van ... der Rohe 2009 y de la X Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Su trabajo se expone y forma parte de la colección del MoMA Museum of Modern Art de Nueva York, su instalación Fray Home Home se expuso, por invitación de Kazuyo Sejima, en el espacio central de la Bienal de Arquitectura de Venecia de 2010 y en el año 2011 realizó Sweet Parliament Home para la Bienal de Gwangju. --------------------------------------------------- Andrés Jaque is an architect, writer, and curator internationally renowned as one of the initiators of interscalar and transmedium approaches to urban and territorial studies. His work explores environments as the entanglement of life, bodies, technologies and environments. He holds a PhD from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). He has been the Heinrich Tessenow Stipendiat (Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S.) and Graham Foundation Grantee. He is the founder of the Office for Political Innovation, a New York/Madrid-based agency working at the intersection of research, critical environmental practices and design. He has been awarded the Frederick Kiesler Prize, the most important distinction celebrating trajectories in the boundaries of art and spatial practices, the Silver Lion to the Best Project of the 14 Mostra Internazionale di Architetturadella Biennale di Venezia, and the Dionisio Hernández Gil Prize to the intervention on historical enclaves. In 2018 he co-curated Manifesta 12 in Palermo: ‘The Planetary Garden. Cultivating Coexistence’, which inquired the ecological, technological and political role Palermo played as a site and actor of border violence and cross-pollination. His work is part of the collection of MoMA in New York and the Art Institute of Chicago, among many others major museums around the world, and has been exhibited in international biennales, highlights including Venice, Seoul, Sao Paulo, Oslo, Gwanju, Santiago de Chile, and Lisbon; he has also developed projects with many of the most important cultural organizations around the world, including Victoria & Albert Museum, MAK Museum, Het NieuweInstituut, CA2M, London Design Museum, MoMA PS1, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, ZKM, Whitechapel Gallery, Cal Arts Contemporary Art Center, Columbia University, Princeton University, Z33. Andrés Jaque is the Director of Columbia University, Advanced Architectural Design Program –a legendary architectural innovation lab that has shaped the evolution of architecture in the last three decades. He has previously taught in Princeton University and UPM’sHigher Technical School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM). His publications include: ‘Superpowers of Scale’ (2019), ‘Transmaterial Politics’ (2017), ‘Transmaterial / Calculable’ (2017), ‘PHANTOM. Mies as Rendered Society’ (2013), ‘Different Kinds of Water Pouring into a Swimming Pool’ (2013), ‘Everyday Politics’ (2011) and ‘Melnikov. Car-park for 1000 vehicles’ (2004).



Entrada actualizada el el 11 jun de 2021

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21 sep de 2023 - 04 jul de 2024

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS) / Madrid, España

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